Hyperhidrosis In COVID-19 0 592 收藏


Shared with PubliAccording to some medical reports, it is found that there is a very special situation, that is, people infected with the Omicron variant will feel particularly tired, have severe night sweats, sweat a lot, causing the clothes, pillows and bed sheet drenched in perspiration , accompanied by symptoms of dizziness. Need to get up and change clothes, which seriously affects the quality of sleep. In most cases, night sweats last only a few nights and then go away on their own. But for another group of people, night sweats may last an average of 103 days after infection. However, this is an average, means that some people may experience symptoms for a shorter or longer period of time as one of the possible symptoms of long COVID.According to some medical reports, it is found that there is a very special situation, that is, people infected with the Omicron variant will feel particularly tired, have severe night sweats, sweat a lot, causing the clothes, pillows and bed sheet drenched in perspiration , accompanied by symptoms of dizziness. Need to get up and change clothes, which seriously affects the quality of sleep. In most cases, night sweats last only a few nights and then go away on their own. But for another group of people, night sweats may last an average of 103 days after infection. However, this is an average, means that some people may experience symptoms for a shorter or longer period of time as one of the possible symptoms of long COVID.According to some medical reports, it is found that there is a very special situation, that is, people infected with the Omicron variant will feel particularly tired, have severe night sweats, sweat a lot, causing the clothes, pillows and bed sheet drenched in perspiration , accompanied by symptoms of dizziness. Need to get up and change clothes, which seriously affects the quality of sleep. In most cases, night sweats last only a few nights and then go away on their own. But for another group of people, night sweats may last an average of 103 days after infection. However, this is an average, means that some people may experience symptoms for a shorter or longer period of time as one of the possible symptoms of long COVID.First of all, let's distinguish the application of sweating strategy (Han Fa) from hyperhidrosis in traditional Chinese medicine

According to some medical reports, it is found that there is a very special situation, that is, people infected with the Omicron variant will feel particularly tired, have severe night sweats, sweat a lot, causing the clothes, pillows and bed sheet drenched in perspiration , accompanied by symptoms of dizziness. Need to get up and change clothes, which seriously affects the quality of sleep. In most cases, night sweats last only a few nights and then go away on their own. But for another group of people, night sweats may last an average of 103 days after infection. However, this is an average, means that some people may experience symptoms for a shorter or longer period of time as one of the possible symptoms of long COVID.

First of all, let's distinguish the application of sweating strategy (Han Fa) from hyperhidrosis in traditional Chinese medicine

Sweating strategy is a therapeutic principle to induce perspiration for treating diseases and is applicable to all exogenous diseases. If the pathogen is still on the surface of the yang meridian, the meridians on the surface of the body should be dredged through sweating, making the skin surface or pores to open, enabling the qi and blood to flow smoothly, and the nutritive (Ying) and protective (Wei) Qi  can be harmonized to relieve the pathogen on the surface of the skin. It is also commonly known as "releasing the exterior".

Hyperhidrosis is sweating more than usual and is abnormal. Traditional Chinese medicine believes that this is abnormal sweating caused by the imbalance of yin and yang in the human body and the dysfunction of viscera. Physical weakness or external deficiency and exposure to wind after illness, as well as worrying, overwork, or emotional discomfort are all related factors, or taking spicy food. Regarding the pathogenesis of sweating, traditional Chinese medicine can be differentiated into two aspects: one is the sweating caused by the dysfunction of the external wei qi of the body due to insufficient lung qi or disharmony between the nutritive (Ying) and protective (Wei) Qi . The other is the pathogenesis of excessive fire due to yin deficiency or accumulation of pathogenic heat, which causes sweat to leak out. Generally speaking, sweat syndrome in traditional Chinese medicine mainly includes two types of sweating: spontaneous sweating and night sweating.

Traditional Chinese medicine has always put great importance to the sweating condition of patients, and has a good curative effect on sweating syndrome. Hyperhidrosis is classified under the disease of qi, blood and body fluid in traditional Chinese medicine, and there are sayings such as "sweat and blood have the same origin" and "sweat is the fluid of the heart". Blood is yin, qi is yang, and the two permeate, promote and transform each other, so-called: "There is blood in qi, and qi in blood, and qi and blood cannot be separated for a moment." If you sweat a lot, it will lead to the loss of body fluid and qi depletion, which is also called the loss of energy with body fluid, resulting in deficiency of both qi and yin. "Treatise on Febrile Diseases under the topic on Syndrome Differentiation of Yangming Diseases and Its Treatment" mentioned: "If sweat a lot, particularly sweat severely, the yang qi will get lost." Therefore, if you sweat too much, body fluid will leak out, and yang qi will be depleted, in this kind of condition, should not be underestimated.

I often see patients having hands and feet sweating and children with night sweats in clinic. On December 19, 2022 last year, a 69-year-old woman living in northern China began to feel chilly, with some headaches, body temperature at 37.8 degree Celsius, antigen test was positive, so she was infected with the novel coronavirus. She took over-the-counter Chinese herbal medicine for treating exogenous infections. On 12-27-22, feeling of heat within the body, and began to sweat a lot during the day, and also night sweats. She took Maiwei Dihuang Pills by herself, but it didn’t work effectively, so asked the professor of the University of Chinese Medicine who used to treat and regulate her body to prescribe a decoction (her right breast was removed through surgery 4 years ago), the formula has a total of 38 flavors, each ingredient is within the effective dosage range, and a total of 14 sets have been prescribed. After taking several sets of decoctions prescribed by the professor, she felt that the medicine have too much ingredients and afraid it might burden her liver and kidneys. She sent to me the prescription to seek my opinion. The treatment objectives of that prescription are mainly to clear away heat and detoxify, remove dampness and let out turbidity, soften clusters and dissipate stagnation, and tonify deficiency and solidify astringency. I did a diagnose on her through the Internet on January 10, 2023, by looking at her tongue and she narrated that she is weak and fatigue, sweating profusely from head to toe, especially at night, clothes and sheets were soaked in sweat, and having dizziness.

Suwen- "Disussion on the Most Critical" has mentioned a traditional Chinese medicine principle in prioritizing the urgency in treatment of diseases. indicated: "Diseases have their ups and downs, and treatments must have priorities" . It means what disease needs to attend urgently, which symptom can attend later, what formula to prescribe first, what ingredient to put later. These are all issues that must be considered comprehensively before treatment. The treatment should be carried out in a planned and step-by-step manner. Should think about it, otherwise, if don't follow the method of priority and urgency, then will make a mistake. After careful consideration on this case, in terms of medication, we should start with nourishing qi and nourishing yin, and harmonizing the nutritive (Ying) and protective (Wei) Qi as priority .

1-8-23 has prescribed this formula

Long Gu (Ossa Draconis) (put down first) 30g Mu Li (Concha Ostreae) (put down first) 30g Gui Zhi (Ramulus Cinnamomi)i 6g Bai Shao (Radix Paeoniae Alba) 6g Huang Qi (Radix Astragali) 30g Fang Feng (Radix Saposhnikoviae)10g Bai Zhu (Rhizoma Atractylodis Macrocephalae) 12g Mai Dong (Radix Ophiopogonis) 6g Wu Wei Zi (Fructus Schisandrae) 6g Di Huang (Radix Rehmanniae) 6g Shu Di Huang (Radix Rehmanniae Preparata)6g Dang Gui (Radix Angelicae Sinensis) 6gGou Qi Zi (Fructus Lycii) 6g Fu Xiao Mai (Fructus Tritici levis) 15g Nuo Dao Gen Xu (Root of Glutinous Rice) 10g.

Total 7 sets

Formula Explanation:

- Huang Qi (Radix Astragali) Fang Feng (Radix Saposhnikoviae) Bai Zhu (Rhizoma Atractylodis Macrocephalae) - invigorate Qi and consolidate exterior and antiperspirant

- Gui Zhi (Ramulus Cinnamomi) Bai Shao (Radix Paeoniae Alba) - harmonizing the nutritive (Ying) and protective (Wei) Qi

- Long Gu (Ossa Draconis) Mu Li (Concha Ostreae) Wu Wei Zi (Fructus Schisandrae) Fu Xiao Mai (Fructus Tritici levis) Nuo Dao Gen Xu (Root of Glutinous Rice) -calm and soothe the nerves, stopping and controlling sweating

- Di Huang (Radix Rehmanniae) Shu Di Huang (Radix Rehmanniae Preparata) Dang Gui (Radix Angelicae Sinensis) Mai Dong (Radix Ophiopogonis) Gou Qi Zi (Fructus Lycii) - nourishing Yin and producing Body Fluid


After taking a set of the herbal medicine, the patient replied: I sleep well at night and sleep more than before, but feel sleepy during the day.


After taking 4 set of medicine, still sweating, but not so much, less than before. Sleepiness has improved significantly.


Sweat less, feel weak, can't do normal activities, no cough, occasional phlegm in throat (but not much), phlegm not easy to release out, head always feels like having a common cold, better in the afternoon than in the morning.

Formula Prescribed:

Long Gu (Ossa Draconis) (put down first) 30g Mu Li (Concha Ostreae) (put down first) 30g Gui Zhi (Ramulus Cinnamomi)i 9g Bai Shao (Radix Paeoniae Alba) 9g Huang Qi (Radix Astragali) 30g Fang Feng (Radix Saposhnikoviae)10g Bai Zhu (Rhizoma Atractylodis Macrocephalae) 12g Mai Dong (Radix Ophiopogonis) 9g Wu Wei Zi (Fructus Schisandrae) 6g Di Huang (Radix Rehmanniae) 6g Shu Di Huang (Radix Rehmanniae Preparata)6g Dang Gui (Radix Angelicae Sinensis) 6gGou Qi Zi (Fructus Lycii) 6g Fu Xiao Mai (Fructus Tritici levis) 15g Nuo Dao Gen Xu (Root of Glutinous Rice) 10g Jie Geng (Radix Platycodi)6g Chen Pi (Citri Reticulatae Pericarpium)6gTu Si Zi (Semen Cuscutae) 10g.

Total 7 sets

The patient replied that after two weeks of taking the above decoctions, total of 14 sets, the effect is very good, basically no sweating, and a lot of physical strength has recovered.

Therapies and Researches
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