【QH Academy】Ear-point Locations and Indications 11 40460 收藏

Topic: Ear-point Locations and Indications
Speaker: 王澍欣-广中医一附院
Language: English & Chinese
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Learn the locations and indications of the commonly used ear points on the auricle;

Learn the applications of some commonly used ear points.

Course description

A total of 93 ear points are located on the auricle and used for diagnosis and treatment of various diseases. This course introduces the locations, actions, and indications of commonly used ear points. Some commonly seen abnormal signs at the ear points and associated ear acupuncture treatments are also shown in the videos.

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Speaker: Dr. Shuxin Wang

² Practitioner of acupuncture and moxibustion

² Professor of Acupuncture & Moxibustion at the First Affiliated Hospital of Guangzhou University of Chinese Medicine

² Member of the Standing Committee of Auricular Acupuncture Specialty of China Associationof Acupuncture-Moxibustion

² Director of Guangdong Association of Acupuncture and Moxibustion

² Member of the Standing Committee of Auricular Acupuncture Specialty of Guangdong Association of Acupuncture and Moxibustion

² Member of the Standing Committee of Acupuncture Manipulations Specialty of Guangdong Association of Acupuncture and Moxibustion

She has 20 years of experience in practicing and teaching Chinese medicine, acupuncture and moxibustion and conducting research. She is specialized in teaching and applying ear acupuncture for refractory insomnia, weight loss, gynecological diseases, pain, and etc.

Expertise: acupuncture and moxibustion, ear acupuncture

Specialties: insomnia, weight loss, gynecological diseases and pain


Ø Structure of the auricle

Ø Point locations and indications

Helix: immunesystem

HX9 (helix 1, Lun 1)

HX10 (helix 2, Lun 2)

HX11 (helix 3, Lun 3)

HX12 (helix 4, Lun 4)

HX6, 7i (ear apex, Erjian)

HX1 (ear center, Erzhong)

HX2 (rectum, Zhichang)

HX3 (urethra, Niaodao)

HX4 (external genitalia, Waishengzhiqi)

HX5 (anus, Gangmen)

HX8 (node, Jiejie)

Antihelix: spine

AH13 (cervical vertebrae, Jingzhui)

AH11 (thoracic vertebrae, Xiongzhui)

AH9 (lumbosacral vertebrae, Yaodizhui)

AH12 (neck, Jing)

AH10 (chest, Xiong)

AH8 (abdomen, Fu)

AH7 (buttock, Tun)

AH6 (sciatic nerve, Zuogushenjing)

AH6a (sympathetic, Jiaogan)

AH1 (heel, Gen)

AH2 (toe, Zhi)

AH5 (hip, Kuan)

AH4 (knee, Xi)

AH3 (ankle, Huai)

 Scapha: upper limbs

SF4,5 (shoulder, Jian)

SF6 (clavicle, Suogu)

SF3 (elbow, Zhou)

SF2 (wrist, Wan)

SF1 (finger, Zhi)

SF1,2i (wind stream, Fengxi)

Antitragus:head and face

AT1,2,4i (apex of antitragus, Duipingjian)

AT2,3,4i (central rim, Yuanzhong)

AT3,4i (brain stem, Naogan)

AT4 (subcortex, Pizhixia)

AT1 (forehead, E)

AT2 (temple, Nie)

AT3 (temple, Zhen)

AT11 (posterior intertragic notch, Pingjianhou)

Tragus: throat

TG2p (adrenal gland, Shenshangxian)

TG1p (apex of tragus, Pingjian)

TG1 (upper tragus, Shangping)

TG2 (lower tragus, Xiaping)

TG1u (external ear, Wai’er)

TR1, 2i (external nose, Waibi)

TG3 (pharynx larynx, Yanhou)

TG4 (internal nose, Neibi)

TG21 (anterior intertragic notch, Pingjianqian)

Earlobe: head, face, and five sense organs

LO1 (teeth, Ya)

LO2 (tongue, She)

LO3 (jaw, He)

LO4 (anterior ear lobe, Chuiqian)

LO5 (eye, Yan)

LO6 (internal ear, Nei’er)

LO5, 6i (cheek, Mainjia)

LO 7,8,9 (tonsil, Biantaoti)

Triangular fossa: pelvic cavity

TF4 (Shenmen)

TF5 (pelvic cavity, Penqiang)

TF1 (superior triangular fossa, Jiaowoshang)

TF2 (internal genitalia, Neishengzhiqi)

TF 3 (middle triangular fossa, Jiaowozhong)

Cavum conchae: thoracic cavity & Cymba conchae: abdominal cavity

CO4 (stomach, Wei)

CO1 (mouth, Kou)

CO2 (esophagus, Shidao)

CO3 (cardiac region, Benmen)

CO5 (duodenum, Shierzhichang)

CO6 (small intestine, Xiaochang)

CO7 (large intestine, Dachang)

CO6,7i (appendix, Lanwei)

CO8 (angle of superior chocha, Tingjiao)

CO10 (kidney, Shen)

CO9 (urinary bladder, Pangguang)

CO9, 10i (ureter, Shuniaoguan)

CO11 (pancreas and gallbladder, Yidan)

CO12 (liver, Gan)

CO13 (spleen, Pi)

CO15 (heart, Xin)

CO16 (trachea, Qiguan)

CO14 (lung, Fei)

(CO6,10i (Tingzhong), CO18 (endocrine, Neifenmi), CO17 (Sanjiao))

Auricle back (supplementing points)

R1 (upper ear root, Shang’er’gen)

R3 (lower ear root, Xia’er’gen)

PS (groove of posterior surface, Er’beigou)

P1 (posterior surface of heart,Erbeixin)

P4 (posterior surface of liver, Erbeigan)

P3 (posterior surface of spleen, Erbeipi)

P2 (posterior surface of lung, Erbeifei)

R2 (root ofear vagus, Er’mi’gen)

P5 (posterior surface of kidney, Erbeishen)

Ø Q & A

Here are some related learning instruments for you.

A. The book, Chengs AuricularPoint Health Handbook (in English and Chinese) illustrates auricular points and auricular therapy by plain language and clear pictures and provides plenty of index information which is useful for practitioners, Chinese medicine amateurs, students, and other beginners.

B. Ear Acupuncture Points model can help you to recognize the ear points directly.

C. Copper Auricular Point Pen can help you to look for the tenderness sensitive points.

D. The basic learning set of ear acupuncture, including 17cm Ear Acupuncture Points Model with Reflex Zone, Chengs Auricular Point Health Handbook (in English and Chinese) and Copper Auricular Point Pen.

Tip: You can click the product name for more.

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The contents above are from professional practitioner(s) (of Chinese medicine and acupuncture) and opinions expressed are of the practitioner(s) and the practitioner(s) alone. Qihuang Healthcare Information Ltd (Hereafter“QH”) and its affiliates provide no warranty, takes no responsibility and assumesno liabilityfor the contents.

The final interpretation of this course is owned by Guangzhou Qihuang Information Technology Ltd.

Title Introduction Price
1. Ear-point Locations and Indications (Ⅰ) (40 min)
Ear points on helix, antihelix and scapha
2. Ear-point Locations and Indications (Ⅱ) (50 min)
Ear points on antitragus, tragus, earlobe, triangular fossa, cavum conchae and auricle back.

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Therapies and Researches



