美国中医药针灸学会(American TCM Society,简称ATCMS),是美东地区最具规模最活跃的中医针灸专业社团。学会于九十年代后期开始运作,并于2007年4月以现会名在美国纽约州正式注册为非赢利性专业团体,系世界针联和世界中联团体会员,同时也是美国职业针灸与安全联盟的成员。美国中医药针灸学会秉持着“民主、学术、非盈利、服务会员”的办会精神,承前启后,以弘扬中医为最终目标。
ATCMS is the largest and most active TCM professional association in the east of the USA. The organization was established at the end of 1990 to promote the growth and preserve the integrity of the acupuncture profession in the great New York and/or New England area. ATCMS was officially registered with its current name in New York State as a not for Profit professional organization in April 2007 and is a member of both the world Federation of Acupuncture Moxibustion Societies (WFAS) and the World Federation of Chinese Medicine Societies (WFCMS). Also, is a member of the American Alliance Professional Acupuncture and Safety (AAPAS). ATCMS exists to help practitioners, students, educators & consumers contribute to the evolution of the acupuncture profession in the eastern United State, expanding access to consumers and sustainability to practitioners.
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